This phase of development includes:

  • Compliance to all relevant standards and regulations
  • Testability of each requirement
  • System resource usage, sampling rates, and response times required
  • Diagnostics and fault management requirements
  • Hardware/software interfaces, including circuits, ASIC’s, communications protocols, 3rd party development tools
  • Identify safety requirements and ensure that they are managed at the proper ASIL for ISO 26262 projects

To fully understand the requirements, ECEMTAG engineers start by reviewing datasheets and researching specifications in addition to consultation with experts. To evaluate solutions, the engineering

team may run simulations, develop software mock-ups/prototypes, or experiment with development boards.

ECEMTAG allows implementation of software in both C and model based design environment depending on customer need. Implementation follows internal guidelines for style and architecture based on MISRA for C. Where possible, code is reused in the form of libraries. These internal ECU code libraries allow for faster implementation with fewer errors due to using trusted code functions. All implementation is peer-reviewed to ensure the code meets the functional requirements, the coding style guide, and best practices.

ECEMTAG uses Sonarcube to perform static analysis on all ECU software builds to ensure compliance with MISRA standards and ISO26262 guidance. Static analysis is integrated into the build system and is performed every time the platform is built. All errors and warnings must be addressed as part of ECEMTAG ECU’s standard engineering process.